I spent the most wonderful day on Saturday with my dear friend Jess in her lovely shop Rositta Lollipop chatting and faffing......oh and serving customers in between!
Above is just a taster of this amazing shop.
I have been busy, busy, busy with my crocheting and my latest blanket is beginning to take shape........watch this space.......Above is a picture of one completed and for sale. This blanket has the most beautiful 50's style printed fabric backing, but the next blanket will have an original vintage backing, so I am so excited.....I am collecting original vintage fabric.....so if you have any spare, it would be very welcome.
My knitting and crocheting workshops will resume in March at Rositta Lollipop shop, once we have dates organised I will post them.
Outwardly, I don't appear to be very busy, but believe me, in my head I am rushed off my feet!!!
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