Fluorescent, Fluorescent, Fluorescent...........
Yes you've got it ........ I am working with fluorescent yarn, but it's very hard to find.
I am making some crazy coursage's for my crazy friend Jess @ www.rositalollipop-lollipop/blogspot.com
So for now, everything else is on hold! Even the housework!!
Haha any excuse.......
Does anyone have any fluorescent yarn that is surplus to requirements.
Yes, I know, I can hear you saying "Why on earth would I have fluorescent yarn?" But sometimes we just acquire these things for no apparent reason. If you do have some and don't want it and have no need for it, I would be very interested.
Once I have finished them I will show you ................ I have made eight so far, so watch this space...............Soon my lovelys
found some pink today, but it didn't register in mia piccola testa until I just read your blog, was staring at it thinking - oooh ahhh so lovely, reminds me of something,,,, but what..... ??!!!???
Well find it again and bring it on down........come on my lovely stay with me, keep up!!
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