I was just browsing through one of my
favourite blogs and was drawn to the Macmillan Comfort Blanket Campaign. I am
sure most of us have known of someone who has been touched by this terrible disease, the campaign is for the worlds biggest knitting coffee morning ever, to be held on Friday 25th September 2009. I will be holding a coffee morning at my house on that day, but anyone can do it you just have to register at http://www.coffeemorningregister.org.uk/

Each blanket has 40 squares and I will take the completed blanket to the Knitting & Stitching Show at Alexander Palace in October.
Each comfort blanket created will be given to someone affected by cancer.
If you would like to help me create a comfort blanket you can download it from some square designs from http://www.macmillan.org.uk/ Leave me a message and will will arrange to get the square/s.
This is for such a fantastic charity so come on everyone help me make this event big event if you would like to come to my coffee morning please leave me message and I will forward details to you.
Thank you my lovely friends. Please watch this space for more information.
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